kindred red or blue tft

In the dynamic world of Teamfight Tactics (TFT), making strategic decisions can determine the outcome of a match. One such critical choice involves selecting the optimal buff for your champion. Among the many champions in TFT, Kindred stands out due to their unique playstyle and abilities. 

Choosing between the Red or Blue Buff for Kindred can greatly influence your strategy and performance. This article delves into the nuances of Kindred’s Red and Blue Buffs, exploring their advantages, disadvantages, and how to make the best decision for your gameplay.

Understanding kindred red or blue tft:

Kindred, a champion known for their distinct gameplay, offers a blend of ranged attacks and area-of-effect damage. Their abilities revolve around tracking and dealing damage to enemies, making them a versatile choice in various team compositions.

  • Lamb’s Respite (Ultimate): Kindred creates a zone that prevents all units, including allies and enemies, from dying while they are within it. This ability can turn the tide of battles and provide crucial healing.
  • Dance of Arrows (Basic Attack): Kindred’s basic attacks deal damage to multiple enemies and apply a stacking debuff that increases their overall damage output.
  • Mounting Dread (Active Ability): This ability allows Kindred to deal bonus damage based on the enemy’s missing health, making it highly effective against low-health targets.

The Red Buff vs. Blue Buff for Kindred:

The Red Buff vs. Blue Buff for Kindred:
Source: reddit

The Red Buff: Enhancing Damage Over Time

The Red Buff provides a significant boost to Kindred’s damage output over time, which can be beneficial in certain scenarios.

Advantages of the Red Buff

Damage Over Time: 

The Red Buff adds a burn effect to Kindred’s attacks, dealing damage over time. This is particularly effective against champions with high health pools, as the burn damage continues to chip away at their health.

Improved Sustained Damage: 

With the Red Buff, Kindred can maintain a high level of damage throughout prolonged engagements, making them more effective in extended team fights.

Synergy with Kindred’s Abilities: 

The burn damage from the Red Buff synergizes well with Kindred’s ability to apply consistent damage through their basic attacks and abilities, maximizing their overall damage potential.

Disadvantages of the Red Buff:

No Immediate Impact: 

Unlike the Blue Buff, which provides immediate benefits, the Red Buff’s damage over time may not provide an immediate advantage in early game situations where quick burst damage is needed.

Less Effective Against Burst Damage: 

If you are facing teams with high burst damage, the Red Buff may not be as beneficial since its burn effect takes time to accumulate.

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The Blue Buff: Enhancing Abilities and Mana Regeneration

The Blue Buff is known for its ability to reduce the mana cost of abilities and increase mana regeneration, which can significantly impact Kindred’s performance in battles.

Advantages of the Blue Buff

  • Reduced Mana Costs: The Blue Buff decreases the mana cost of Kindred’s abilities, allowing them to use their skills more frequently. This can be particularly useful for maximizing the impact of their Ultimate and Active abilities.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: With the Blue Buff, Kindred regenerates mana faster, enabling them to cast their abilities more often during fights. This can lead to a higher frequency of Lamb’s Respite, providing crucial healing and survivability.
  • Synergy with Ability-Centric Builds: If your strategy revolves around leveraging Kindred’s abilities rather than just basic attacks, the Blue Buff provides a significant advantage by enhancing their ability to cast skills.

Disadvantages of the Blue Buff

  • Less Damage Output: While the Blue Buff provides utility and mana benefits, it does not directly increase Kindred’s damage output. This may result in lower overall damage compared to the Red Buff, especially in situations where sustained damage is critical.
  • Less Effective in Short Fights: In scenarios where quick burst damage is essential, the Blue Buff may not provide the immediate impact needed to secure victories in fast-paced battles.

Strategic Considerations for Choosing the Right Buff:

Strategic Considerations for Choosing the Right Buff game
Source: portal.buff

Choosing between the Red and Blue Buff for Kindred in Teamfight Tactics involves understanding how each buff fits into your overall strategy and how it interacts with your team composition and the game’s dynamics.

Team Composition and Synergy: 

Consider how Kindred’s role fits with your team’s strategy. If your team benefits from sustained damage, the Red Buff is ideal due to its burn effect, which complements Kindred’s continuous damage. On the other hand, if your strategy relies on frequent ability use, the Blue Buff is more suitable, as it reduces mana costs and enhances mana regeneration, allowing Kindred to cast abilities more often.

Opponents’ Strengths and Weaknesses: 

Assess the composition and strengths of your opponents. The Red Buff is particularly effective against tanky opponents with high health pools, as its burn damage continues to chip away at their health. Conversely, the Blue Buff is better suited for countering burst damage teams by enabling Kindred to use their abilities more frequently and manage mana more efficiently.

Game Stage and Objectives: 

The choice of buff can also depend on the stage of the game. In the early game, the Blue Buff’s mana regeneration provides a significant advantage, allowing Kindred to use their abilities more often and establish an early lead. As the game progresses, the Red Buff’s sustained damage becomes more valuable in mid to late-game team fights, where continuous damage is crucial.

Playstyle and Strategy:

Your playstyle and overall strategy should guide your choice. For an aggressive playstyle focusing on head-on engagements, the Red Buff enhances Kindred’s ability to deal damage over time. If your strategy involves a more defensive or control-oriented approach, the Blue Buff provides additional utility through frequent ability use, which can be crucial for positioning and crowd control.

Adapting to Game Flow: 

Be flexible and adapt your choice based on the flow of the game. If you find that your team needs more sustained damage, the Red Buff might be more beneficial. Conversely, if frequent ability usage is more critical for your strategy, the Blue Buff can help meet that need.


What is the primary difference between the Red Buff and Blue Buff for Kindred in TFT?

The Red Buff adds burn damage over time to Kindred’s attacks, enhancing sustained damage. The Blue Buff reduces mana costs and increases mana regeneration, allowing Kindred to use their abilities more frequently.

When should I choose the Red Buff for Kindred?

Opt for the Red Buff if your strategy focuses on sustained damage and prolonged team fights, especially against tanky opponents.

When is the Blue Buff a better choice for Kindred?

Choose the Blue Buff if you need frequent use of Kindred’s abilities, especially for enhancing their Ultimate and Active abilities, or if you need improved mana regeneration.

How does the Red Buff affect Kindred’s performance in early game versus late game?

In the early game, the Red Buff may not be as impactful due to its burn damage taking time to accumulate. In the late game, it provides significant sustained damage, especially in extended fights.

What impact does the Blue Buff have on Kindred’s mana management?

The Blue Buff reduces mana costs and increases mana regeneration, allowing Kindred to use their abilities more often and stay effective throughout fights.

Can the Red Buff be effective against high burst damage teams?

The Red Buff may be less effective against high burst damage teams, as its burn damage takes time to accumulate and may not provide immediate benefits.

Does the Blue Buff provide any additional survivability for Kindred?

While the Blue Buff primarily enhances mana regeneration and ability usage, it does not directly increase survivability. However, more frequent use of Lamb’s Respite can provide crucial healing.


Choosing between the Red and Blue Buff for Kindred in Teamfight Tactics involves carefully considering your team’s needs, your opponents’ strengths, and the stage of the game. Both buffs offer unique advantages and can significantly impact Kindred’s performance in battles. By understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each buff, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your strategy and maximizes Kindred’s potential on the battlefield.

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